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Cut Our CO2 Emissions at Home


If I cut my carbon footprint, and you cut yours, together we can help stop global warming!

COP26 offers a one-time opportunity to get agreement to limit global warming to 1.5C. At the G7 Meeting in Cornwall UK in June 2021 World Leaders committed to “keep the 1.5°C global warming threshold within reach.”

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and COP26 President Alok Sharma have both stressed the need for all to get involved in taking action to stop global warming. And the White House stressed the need for action by “all-of-society.”

Around 60% of CO2 emissions are from decisions by individuals about what we buy.

So what are ways we can cut our CO2 emissions? Which ways might be possible for you?

1. Cut our fossil fuels. These have the biggest impact:

  • Switch to 100% green electricity

  • Less air travel

  • Leave the car at home – and, in due course, to get an electric car.

  • Improve home insulation, turn off the lights, and turn down the heating

  • Transition to a more plant-based diet – particularly with less beef and lamb because of their methane emissions

2. What about the rest of our carbon footprint? Trees remove our CO2 emissions. Easy is to donate to plant trees with

3. Share with friends what action we are taking

4. Join a climate or environment organisation(s).

Many local authorities have declared a climate and environmental emergency. So most of these will have local volunteer groups who will want help. A list of councils is here:

Internationally, as at 7th October 2021, climate emergencies have been declared in 2,030 jurisdictions across 35 countries covering over 1 billion people:

5. It’s not just about climate. It’s also about protecting habitats and restoring and regenerating nature and wildlife. Many threats to habitats are local, so you maybe one of only a very few who know about this. What habitat needs protecting or restoring near you?

How Can We Make A Bigger Impact?

Impact at Work – There may also be opportunities to make a difference at work. Many business have committed to Net Zero and are working on more sustainable solutions. And if they haven’t yet – is this an opportunity?

Impact in our local area: There may also be opportunities to make a difference in your local authority area, or in your community.

Multiply our impact – We can all make a difference by talking with others. Despite climate being so much in the news, it’s amazing how few people really know much about it and what they can do about it. Maybe you can help them?

Campaigns we can join – There are so many. Search for something locally or nationally

How might it be possible for you to help?

Charles Appleby, Founder

Connect with me on LinkedIn:

🌳🌳🌳 Remove your Carbon Footprint. Plant Trees

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